Conference Presentations & Lectures


Sept. 9. Eurocall 2009, Universidad Politécnica de Gandía, España. Bañados, E. & Jauregi, K. : Enhancing Intercultural Communicative Competence through Telecollaboration.


January 19-22. Workshop: A b-learning Model and Task-Based Language Teaching methodology in the development of communicative competence for effective language learning outcomes. at the Second International University Faculty Seminar: Innovation and Quality: New Experiences. Universidad de Concepción.

August 30–September 1. Integrating theory into practice in the design and development of an interactive multimedia CALL platform in a b-learning environment for EFL. Keynote lectrure in the bi-annual international seminar CALL 2008: CALL RESEARCH CONFERENCE: Practice-Based & Practice-Oriented CALL Research. LINGUAPOLIS, Antwerp University, Belgium.

August 30–September,1. Kristi Jauregi, E. Bañados, Jerónimo Morales. Distant intercultural communication through video-web communication tools, what is true about it? Plenary lecture: In the bi-annual international seminar CALL 2008: CALL RESEARCH CONFERENCE: Practice-Based & Practice-Oriented CALL Research. LINGUAPOLIS, Antwerp University, Belgium.  

September 3-6.   Developing Communicative Competence in English Through an Online Task-Based Interactive Multimedia Environment and a  b-learning Strategy. EUROCALL 2008: CALL New Competencies and Social Spaces. Kodolányi János University College, Hungary.

September 3-6.  Jáuregui Kristi & Emerita Bañados. Intercultural negotiation through video-web communication:  coping with difficulties for success in two intercontinental projectsEUROCALL 2008: CALL New Competencies and Social Spaces. Kodolányi János University College, Hungary.
January 17-19. Workshop: the Use of ICT in Education: A b-Learning Pedagogical Model towards a Bilingual University. at the First International University Faculty Conference: The Challenge of Quality in the Era of Super complexity, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.

September 20-22. Integrating input, interaction, and production through CALL tasks in an online task-based multimedia environment for EFL/ESL. 2nd International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching: Putting Principles to Work. University of Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii.
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September 6-8. Ferreira Anita, Bañados, E.  Corrective Feedback Strategies with Implications for Technological Applications in Applied Linguistics. BAAL 40th Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics: Technology, Ideology and Practice in Applied Linguistics. The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland.,

September 5-8. Managing a multimedia environment for EFL to provide opportunities for input, interaction and production. EUROCALL 2007 conference: Mastering Multimedia: Teaching Languages Through Technology. University of Ulster - Coleraine Campus, Northern Ireland.

September 5-8. Ferreira Anita, Bañados, E.  Effective Corrective Feedback Strategies in Web-Based Computer Tutor Interactions with Implications for CALL and ICALL Systems. EUROCALL 2007 Conference: Mastering Multimedia: Teaching Languages Through Technology. University of Ulster - Coleraine Campus, Northern Ireland.

September 5-8. Jauregi Kristi, Bañados, E. Salazar, O. Poster:  Negotiation of intercultural, pragmatic and formal meaning in virtual foreign/native speaker interaction through videoconferencing: experiences and results. EUROCALL 2007 conference: Mastering Multimedia: Teaching Languages through Technology. University of Ulster - Coleraine Campus, Northern Ireland.

June 7-9. Jauregi K., Bañados E., Salazar O., Virtual interaction through video communication and blogs: a step towards enriching and internationalizing learning programs. EPAL conference: Learning through online exchanges: tools, tasks, interactions, multimodality, corpora. University Stendhal, Grenoble, France.
January. UdeC English Online a b-learning Pedagogical Model for Teaching EFL. Presentation for St Cloud State University Faculty Universidad de Concepción, Chile.

November 22-25. Bañados, Ripoll M. A b-learning model for teaching and learning English as a foreign language through an online interactive multimedia language learning environment. IV International Conference on Multimedia and Technologies of ICT in Education, m-ICTE2006, Sevilla, Spain.

July. Teaching EFL successfully through an interactive multimedia b-learning program. Presentation for University of North Carolina Faculty, Universidad de Concepción, CFRD, Chile.

April 19-21. Integrating ICT in the Curriculum as a Pedagogical Resource to Complement School Texts in the Teaching and Learning of Foreign Languages. SITES International Seminar on School Texts, organized by the Chilean Ministry of Education, the Text and Curriculum Department, Santiago, Chile.

March 21.  Results of the Communicative English Program UdeC English Online. Presentation to the national Director of the Chilean English Opens Doors Program, Chilean Ministry of Education. Centro de Formación y Recursos Didácticos, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.

January 17-20.   A model to promote autonomy for learning English as a foreign language with use of ICT. XV SONAPLES Seminar :The role of the language teacher in the XXI century: new Approaches, teacher training and teacher networks. Universidad Católica, UCSC, Thno. , Chile.

January 17-20. Corrective Feedback in the teaching and learning of foreign languages: Elicitation in the English class. XV SONAPLES Seminar:The role of the language teacher in the XXI century: new Approaches, teacher training and teacher networks. Universidad Católica, UCSC, Thno., Chile.

January 3. Preliminary Results of the Communicative English Program UdeC English Online. Dirección de Docencia, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.

November 22. UdeC English Online Program. Presented to Dr. Denise Saint-Jean, Director of Fulbright Chile. Centro de Formación y Recursos Didácticos, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.

October 28-29.Teaching and Learning EFL Successfully through a b-learning Multimedia Environment. TESOL CHILE Second annual National Conference. The open road to professionalism: Non-native teachers reaching greater heights. Universidad de Concepción, Chile.

May 17-21.  Implementing Theoretical Issues in the Creation of Interactive English Online Software. CALICO 2005: CALL and the year of languages critical needs. Michigan State University. Lansing, USA.

May 17-21. Ferreira Anita, Bañados, E. Effective Corrective-Feedback Strategies in Second Language Teaching with Implications for Intelligent Tutorial Systems (ITS) for Foreign Languages (FL). CALICO 2005: CALL and the year of languages critical needs. Michigan State University. Lansing, USA.

January 17-19. Developing CALL material for Second Language Acquisition: Putting theory into practice. Second Meeting of MECESUP EFL Project teams, in the English Summer Town at CPEIP, Santiago, Chile.

January 17-19. Developing listening and speaking skills in a blended learning environment. Second Meeting of MECESUP EFL Project teams, in the English Summer Town at CPEIP, Santiago, Chile.

January 17-19. UdeC English Online: An Interactive Course for Global Communication. Second Meeting of MECESUP EFL Project teams, in the English Summer Town at CPEIP, Santiago, Chile.

January 17-19. Results of the implementation of the UDEC English online pilot program. Second Meeting of MECESUP EFL Project teams, in the English Summer Town at CPEIP, Santiago, Chile.

Introductory workshops for learning English with the use of ICT. Centro de Formación y Recursos Didácticos, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.

April 13-17. Issues in the Development of Interactive English Online Program. IATEFL 2004, Liverpool, England.

April. A qualitative study of innovative pedagogical practices using Information and Communication Technology for teaching English as a foreign language in high school Education. SONAPLES, Universidad de Los Lagos, Osorno, Chile.

April. From Theory to Practice in the Development of an EFL/ESL Online Program. SONAPLES, Universidad de Los Lagos, Chile.

January 9. A qualitative study of innovative pedagogical practices using Information and Communication Technology in English as a Foreign Language in High school Education. Third Meeting of Faculty Researchers, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.

May 30.  UdeC English Online: An Interactive Course for Global Communication. National TV Council, Santiago, Chile.

May 5-10.  Giving Shape to CASLA Design Issues in an ESL Web Based Program. WORLDCALL 2003: CALL from the Margins, Bannf, Canada.

April 28.  UdeC English Online: An Interactive Course for Global Interaction.  TESL/Applied Linguistics Department, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa, USA.

August, 31- September 2. ICT in the EFL Curriculum: A web based class environment for enhancing writing skills. EUROCALL 2000: Language Learning in the New Millennium- Networks for Lifelong Learning, Interdisciplinary and Intelligent Feedback. University of Abertay, Dundee, Scotland.

Integrating ICT in the Language Classroom: The Writing Class in a Network-based web Environment. SONAPLES 2000, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.

CREALE: Online Center of Web Resources for Learning English, French and German. SONAPLES 2000.

CLIE: A Web Tutorial for Reading Comprehension in Foreign Language. SONAPLES 2000, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.

August 17-20. The Internet in the EFL Curriculum.  International Congress of Teachers of English: Teaching and Learning English in the Third Millennium. Universidad de Concepción, Chile.

August 17-20. Developing Reading Comprehension On-line. International Congress of Teachers of English: Teaching and Learning English in the Third Millennium. Universidad de Concepción, Chile.

December 7-10. Bañados, Emerita, Fuentes, Mery. Developing Reading Comprehension Competence in English, French and German Texts through Internet. International Seminar of Applied Linguistics and Society. La Habana, Cuba.

Use of Multimedia in the Language Class. Department of Foreign languages, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.